Center for Nanotherapeutic Strategies in the Central Nervous System

Biomarker Discovery - Therapeutic Delivery - Diagnostic Delivery - Nanotechnology - Biomaterials - Polymers

Research Areas

  • Therapeutic Tools

    The Larsen Lab creates polymer-based, stimuli-responsive delivery systems that can bypass the blood-brain and blood-nerve barriers to treat various nervous system conditions.

  • Diagnostic Tools

    The Larsen Lab works to identify novel biomarkers and create most-appropriate cellular and animal models to help treat various nervous system conditions.

  • Theranostic Tools

    The Larsen Lab creates polymer-based, stimuli-responsive delivery systems that can simultaneously treat and diagnose nervous system conditions with imaging.

  • Outreach

    The Larsen Lab actively participates in outreach activities to understand barriers to participation and promote involvement of historically excluded populations in STEM activities.